  • Product development

How To Choose A Software Development Company

May 18, 2020
How To Choose A Software Development Company

The right technology stack or a great idea is halfway to creating a successful product. Have you ever thought about what else is as important as your product is? The answer is people – the team who helps you develop your business idea into a real product that users will love.

Not only you will get a reliable partner by picking the right software development company, but you’ll gain domain expertise and technical skills. That’s how you build a great digital product.

Choosing the right company among thousands of options may be a challenge. What should you take into consideration? Where should you outsource? We’ve prepared a range of tips to help you choose the perfect software development company.

Case Studies

Review the portfolio of the company, their case studies with an overview of technical solutions, and the results they have provided to clients. Look for expertise in an area similar to your industry and business.


Check out testimonials and reviews in online directories. You can trust reviews on Clutch, GoodFirms, and DesignRush.

Live communication

Talk to a company representative. This may be the CEO, CTO, a sales representative, or a business development partner. Ask for all the information you are interested in – testimonials, portfolio, prices, all the details. Bring your concerns to the table and don’t hesitate to discuss any issues that might worry you in the software development outsourcing process.

Hard skills

Validate the company’s technical skills. Quality code is your way to build a great product. You can ask for open-source examples or discuss what technologies and approaches the company uses. For instance, at our company, we always recommend clients do a code refactoring to get clean code.

Soft skills

Rate their communication. Communication is first and foremost on the path to creating great products. This applies both to mundane issues (such as time zone differences and the ability to schedule regular calls) and to things such as the team’s engagement, their openness to discussions and willingness to communicate regularly, honesty about problems, and suggestions related to the project.


Make sure your values and those of the company match. Not only should a software development vendor understand your business needs, but you both need to be on the same page so that you all succeed. In one of our articles, we talk about our values:

“Being responsible in business matters goes far beyond basic duties and encompasses reliability, dependability, and accountability. The power of keeping commitments and being responsible for outcomes is what strengthens you even in the most unpredictable situations.”

So, how do you choose the best software development company?

When choosing the perfect technology partner for a product, you need to keep in mind many nuances – the complexity of your product, your technical requirements, and other demands that are important for your business.

Research the market, find several options and express your needs to the companies you have found. We hope these tips will come in handy in helping you choose the best software development partner for your project.

Already need a partner to create or improve your product? Contact our Business Development Partner at [email protected] to discuss your needs.

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DeepInspire / boutique software development company

How To Choose A Software Development Company